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What Food Can You Not Eat With Dentures

When you get dentures, it changes your life. You must be aware of what you eat and what you drink. Dietary restrictions prior to denture can be affected by dentures. It's a world of change for new denture wearers. Fortunately, your Top Rated Local® dentist in Indianapolis, Dr. McCall, understands the transition. He and his staff strive to make the patient's dental visit as convenient and comfortable as possible. They also want to give their patients the best advice possible to benefit their oral health. This is why the following blog post is so important. Many new denture wearers don't understand the ramifications of food and beverage on their dentures and their oral health. Want to learn what you can eat, should avoid eating, and may want to consider when it comes to full dentures? Read on.


Lighter, fluffier foods are always the top recommendation when it comes to snacks. Instead of choosing harded, crunchier snacks, go for vegetable sticks or light crackers. Watch out for lighter snacks that have a sticky aftertaste.


You want to consider any foods with hard, sharp, or jagged bits to be a no-go with your dentures. It can be uncomfortable if you get a piece of hard food lodged between your dentures and your gums. Coarse food can also damage the aesthetics of your dentures over time, which can eventually require a repair or complete replacement.

Sugar-free gum

If you want to chew on something to keep your jaw busy, consider sugar-free gum. It's an easy alternative to sticky or tacky foods, and it's something sweet to enjoy. A benefit to chewing gum is saliva production, which counteracts the feeling of cotton mouth or dry gums.

Sticky treats

Avoid anything sticky, tacky, or syrupy. The adhesive nature of the food is known to frequently dislodge dentures, even when you're careful chewing.


You may want something healthier to snack on or to add to a salad. Consider softer alternatives like berries, olives, or seedless grapes. You'll gain the health benefits these foods offer and reduce the chance of dislodging your dentures.


Harder, crunchier snacks are not recommended while wearing dentures. Typically, those who eat nuts or similar snacks only chew on one side of their mouth. The nature of bite-sized foods means chewing on both sides of the mouth is difficult. This type of chewing can dislodge or detach the dentures.

Baked goods

Replace any seeded or hard baked goods with non-seeded and softer alternatives.

Crackers or seeded bread

Tiny sharp bits don't feel good against the gums. Imagine one of those bits of food lodging between your gums and your dentures. It doesn't feel great.

Pieces and strips

If there are foods you absolutely love but find hard to chew like fish, chicken, or other meats, cut them up into smaller chunks and consume them slowly. Pay attention to how your dentures feel as you eat.


Don't destabilize your teeth with large, hard to chew foods. If you absolutely can't give up your steak, consider cutting the meat into long thin strips, chewing the meat equally on both sides of your mouth, and take it slow.

Coffee and tea

Coffee and tea enthusiasts with dentures have a few things to keep in mind. The acidity of the drinks will affect the aesthetic of your dentures similar to regular teeth. This means if you don't want to stain your dentures, you need to be conscious of the frequency of consumption. Remember to stay hydrated with other sugar-free drinks, such as water and some juices. Saliva production is directly related to dry mouth, which can make your dentures uncomfortable to wear.

Not sure what you can and can't eat? Still have questions about how food and drink will affect your dentures? Give your Top Rated Local® dentist in Indianapolis Dr. McCall a call, schedule an appointment, or read more denture blog posts.

What Food Can You Not Eat With Dentures
